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10 Secret Interview Tips Question And Answer For Freshers and Experienced


1.   How do I face an interview ?
  • Dress up well with your favorite light colors.
  • Don't sit before they offer you seat.
  • Tap the doof gently to enter in side the room.
  • Don't afraid or receptionist before walking into the interview room.
  • Let the interviewer lead the conversation but try to get him/her to describe the position and duties to you early in the interview. 
2.Give some of the tips to attend an interview? What   should be taken to the   interview by the candidate?

         Careful with accessories:
  • If you have to carry a bag, try and keep it outside the interview room.
  • enter only with your file which contains ONLY the relevant documents in aWe know many people struggle with interviews though they are the most experienced and best qualified for the job.
3.How to Dress for an Interview?
  • The first impression you make on a potential employer is the most important one. The first judgment an interviewer makes is going to be based on how you look and what you are wearing.
  • That's why it's always important to dress professionally for a job interview, even if the work environment is casual.
4. How to sit in the Interview room?
  • First one should ask permission for entering the room.
  • Then one should greet the interviewer/examiner.
  • Once he offers you a seat, then only you should seat. This shows   that one has respect for them.
  • Sit with back straight. Don't bend. Show confidence & smile on your face.
  • Have a look at all the people who are supposed to conduct interview.
  • Look into their eyes. Don't look down or away from their eyes.
  • One can fold his or her hands or keep on thighs. This is to prevent any unnecessary gestures.
  • Don't argue with interviewer. Be polite & answer properly.
  • Your voice should be clear & loud.
  • If you can't hear interviewer's voice,say "Pardon or sorry" & request him to talk loudly.
  • Don't show "hurry,worry,curry"nature.Have presence of mind
  • You can take a few seconds before answering a question.
  • Be firm about your opinion. Interviewer will try to change your mind & test you.
  • Interviewer will check all these things.
5.   Interview Attire Tips
  • Before you even think about going on an interview, make sure you have appropriate interview attire and everything fits correctly.
  • Get your clothes ready the night before, so you don't have to spend time getting them ready on the day of the interview.
  • If your clothes are dry clean only, take them to the cleaners after an interview, so they are ready for next time.
  • Polish your shoes.
  • Bring a breath mint and use it before you enter the building.
6. how should face an interview for first time?
  • when you enter the interview room don’t lose confidence, or don’t get conscious, only think that the people would ask a few questions and you would have to answer them.
  • fool of the interviewer by saying anything that comes to your mind.
  • when you enter the room, greet the members, sit when they ask to, but without making any noise while pulling the chair....Just follow
7. What is the correct way of handing over the resume to the interviewer sitting across the table?

  • If you need to give the resume then, ensure that you have signed on it with the date of the day....u should hold the resume in ur hands and while sitting keep it on ur lap as the table is owned by the interviewer which is not urs until and unless u r not asked to keep it or show it to him....the interviewer will ask you to take your seat and then asks for your resume. it is then you need to give your resume
8.   How to prepare a good resume?

Four Tips for a Winning Resume:-

  • An employer can receive hundreds of resumes in response to an advertised position. For every hundred resumes an employer receives, only a few resumes stand out from the crowd.
  • Want your resume to shine in the eyes of the employer you want to attract?
  • Start by including a well-written resume cover letter with the resume
  • Then, follow these resume guide to create an interview winning resume that is head and shoulders above the crowd.
i. Formatting and feel, on a mailed-in resume, matter.
  • Your resume, at first glance, can impress or depress the employer.
  • Lots of open space, a clear, easy-to-read font such as 12 point Arial, and easy-to-find and skim information, entice the employer to read on.
  • With electronic publishing, every mailed resume should be freshly printed on high quality paper.
  • And don’t even think of sending your application to my company in your current employer’s envelope, or with metered postage.
ii. correct spelling, appropriate grammar, no missing words, and no typing mistake
  • It make your resume an employer-pleasure right out of the starting  gate.
  • An error-free resume is rare. Indeed, some hiring managers will not further consider your candidacy if they find even one mistake.
  • Every mistake makes me pause and think. Every mistake makes me question your carefulness, care, and attention to detail.
iii .Contact Information: 
  • in this era of instant messaging, email, and cell phones, there is absolutely no reason to make contacting you difficult for the potential employer.
  • Give the potential employer your cell phone number.
iv. Write and customize an “objective” for each job and employer. 

  • The objective is your opportunity to connect your skills, experience, traits, and job requirements with those the employer is seeking.
  • Read the job posting carefully and you can pick out exactly what the employer believes he needs
  • Don’t settle for a lame, “I seek a challenging opportunity to utilize my skills with a progressive employer who will provide opportunities for growth.
  • for a marketing specialist customized objective: “I am seeking a position as a marketing specialist in a growing, environmentally conscious company that will utilize my current skills in the development of advertising and other marketing materials and website design and writing. At the same time, I hope to gain experience in market research, Internet competitive analysis, and market segmentation.” Who do you think I called?
9.How to Reduce Stress Before a Job Interview: Pre-Interview Relaxation Tips

  • It’s common to be nervous before a job interview, but rest assured that there are many techniques for relaxation.  So get anxious and calm your nerves all before your meeting and then enter your interviewer’s office with confidence and authority.
  • Preparing yourself for the interview at hand can make the difference between feeling secure while talking to your interviewer and stumbling over your words or breaking into a cold sweat.  Research, research, research!
  • Practice answering questions beforehand and ask for someone else’s help.  Without writing a script, have an idea of how you would handle certain inquiries about your resume, experience, knowledge of the company or qualifications for the job position in question.  This practice will be helpful when you’re on the spot.
The Fateful Day-Of:

In the Morning:

  • Listen to calming music or music that gives you confidence .
  • My suggestion is to listen to “pumped up” music while you get ready to give you confidence and then calming or classical music on the way there.
  • You don’t want your heart racing with adrenaline when you walk in!
  • You may choose to try yoga the morning of the interview, if allowing enough time.  Yoga increases energy, promotes a healthy blood flow, practices breathing technique and supports inward reflection.  Relax your tense muscles by doing some yoga or simple stretching at home
When You Get There:

  • Go to the Restroom beforehand.  Make sure you won’t have to excuse yourself mid-interview to do so.  While you’re there, take some deep breaths, fix your hair if need be, and women can reapply (subtle) makeup.
  • Turn your phone off.
  • Sweaty palms in the waiting room?  Try sitting with your palms faced up.  This redistributes the blood flow, calming anxiousness. 
  • Fluttering in your stomach?  People tend to hold their breath in when nervous. Take deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling in regular succession.  Try a 4 sec inhale followed by a 4 second exhale a repeat.
  • Bring a bottle of water in your bag.  Just don’t bring it into the interview.  If the interviewer offers you some and dry mouth tends to be a problem for you, it’s okay to graciously accept and thank them if it will help you perform better.
  • Go to your happy place.  It may seem silly (or remind you of Happy Gilmore), but it truly works.  Try imagining a significant other holding your hand and telling you it’ll all be okay.  Alternatively, imagine sitting on a peaceful beach all by yourself, watching rhythmic waves fall onto the sand and recede.
  • Meditate your troubles away. 
  • One helpful meditative scenario: Imagine yourself standing alone on a bridge, overlooking a stream on a beautiful, calm day.  Visualize any troubles in your life as physical, tangible entities.  Imagine each one and picture yourself throwing it over the bridge.  Watch the stream’s water carry the trouble away until you can no longer see it.  Take your time and let the stress drift away from you with the stream.  Rid yourself of each and every trouble in your life until you’re left feeling calm.
  • Smile your way calm.  Smiling releases tension in your muscles and changes your mental perspective into a more positive outlook.  It will make you look and feel more confident.  Plus, a returned smile will ease anxiousness.
  • Anticipate the best, not the worst.  Many peoples’ nervousness comes from the fear of the unknown or fearing the worst-case scenario.  You shouldn’t be focusing on “what if”s in preparation for not getting the job; you should be concentrating on how to approach the interview and do your best to land the position.  It can be difficult, but changing your perspective of possible interview outcomes can alter your entire appearance to a potential employer at the interview.
There are many ways to reduce tension and ease your nerves before a job interview.  Take the time to figure out what works best for you.  Remember that you have to believe in yourself in order for anyone else to think it’s worth believing in you

10.Download Resume Formats:

You can choose a suitable resume format according to your qualification .

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