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Download Resume Samples | Resume Formats | CV Samples | Biodata Formats

Download Resume Samples | Bio-Data and Resume Formats | CV Samples and Formats | Resume Examples  For Free,Download Resume Format for Freshers, Bio-Data Formats Download

Why Resume Is Necessary ?

Resume writing is very important skill  for job seekers. It is specially for the freshers because, Resume is the only thing which will say that what you are. Many students have a misunderstanding that resume is only to represent the qualification and percentage of mark secured in various exams but the actual meaning of the resume is not that. When you sit in front of the interviewer, he/she doesn't know what you are, when you give your resume in his/her hand , first he/she put his eye on your resume.

If your resume is an impressive one, then he/she eagerly read your resume. But if the first look failed to impress the interview, than your chance of getting a job decrease by 50%. So do not take resume lightly. Remember an impressive resume format is 50% Job.

Considering the requirement the resume format/resume sample, has brought you a number of resume formats for you. We have divided these resumes under various categories viz- freshers resume format, experienced resume format, resume for Technical, Simple graduate resume. So now you can download resume from here and enjoy.


Click On the Below Links To Download  various types of Resume Formats. Here we have divided the resume into general Graduate Resume, Technical Resume, CV Etc. Choose a proper resume for you.

Resume Samples/Format For Freshers Technical Graduate/ B.Tech/ Diploma :

  1. Download Freshers Resume Samples
  2. Download Resume Formats for Freshers
  3. Resume Format for job interview
  4. Resume format for Teachers

Resume Samples For B.A/B.Sc/ Students :

  1. Resume Format For Simple Graduate Download
  2. Resume Samples For B.A/B.Sc/B.Com Download

Simple Bio-Date Format Download:

  1. Bio-Data Format/Samples Download
  2. Biodata Samples For Job Interview
  3. Biodata Sample For Jobs Download
  4. Latest Biodata Formats Download For Interview

Bio-Data Format and Sample For Marriage Proposal:

Curriculum Vitae (CV) Formats Download :

How To Write An Impressive Resume:

Many candidates fail to write a resume or curriculum vitae in a proper and impressive way , so they faield to get a good job. Toady i will say you what makes a resume  format impressive one.  Thus every one should know how to write a resume or curriculum vitae in a proper way.Here We have given rules of thumb to write a resume and Resume format for freshers and experienced persons.

What Is A Resume ?

Many candidates failed to differentiate between a resume an and CV (Curriculum Vitae) . First you should know what is a resume and what is a CV. A bio-date format for a freshers known as resume. In General sense resume is some thing which a freshers presents infront of the interviewer. Since freshers have no previous experience so there will be no Experience term in his/her resume.

What Is a Curriculum Vitae (CV):

But a CV is different from resume, When an experienced person set his mind to change his.her work place he has to submit a CV format to the organization in which he wants to go. CV presents the all the qualification and all the previous experience of that person and also the present job of that person. It also show why he is trying to change his work place.

How To Write A Proper Resume :

  1. Write You Name, address clearly on the left side top portion
  2. Write your qualification in box shaped structure.
  3. Use a emai which is formal means (
  4. Alwas give a present address and Permanent address
  5. Make a Place for pasting the photo.
  6. Try to use a single mobile number.
  7. Chose a proper font and text size of resume which is good looking.
  1. Don't Make use of any color for a resume. it must be black/white.
  2. Dont use informal email like (
  3. Dont use two or three mobile numbers.
10 Secret Interview Tips Question And Answer For Freshers 

Impressive Resume Formats:

CV format or Resume Format for Infosys, Wipro, HCL, BPO or any other IT company is not going to vary. Resume is just going to reflect what you are and your qualification. Interviewer should be impressed with your Resume format.

Some Engineering students don’t know to write a resume and even MBA MCA students are not capable to write CV in a proper way. Many surf google for Resume format for job seekers, resume format for teachers, resume format for MBA, MCA.

We have given a number of resume models, resume samples for free download .Chose a suitable resume according to your qualification and enjoy. Remember that without a proper resume even if you have knowledge and more certificates, it is all meaningless.

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