If you want to transfer your main account balance from one Tata Docomo sim to another tata docomo number then you have to follow the below steps. By this balance transfer method you can gift balance to any tata docomo mobile number. There is only little balance transfer fee will be applicable. Balance transfer process in docmo to docomo is very simple . Read the details below.
Charge of Balance Transfer in Tata Docomo Network:
If you will transfer or gift main account balance to any tata docomo number then you have to pay only the processing fee of 12%. that is if you will transfer Rs 100 to any number then you have to pay only Rs 112 rupee. To transfer balance your main account must contain at least Rs 17.
Steps To Transfer Balance from Docomo To Docomo
1. Dial *363# then press CALL button
2. After a few seconds You will see a menu like this
2. After a few seconds You will see a menu like this
[ Welecome Reply with option
- Share Talktime
- Ask for talktime
- send call me back sms ]
3. Then Click on REPLY and Press 1 (Share Talktime) and then OK
4. Then the display will show how much amount you can transfer from your main balance. It depends on your amount of balance. Th reply will be like this.
- [ Welcome Reply with option. Please reply and enter any amount from Rs 5 to Rs 10 you can also share Rs 51 and Rs 101. ]
5. Then click on REPLY and Enter the amount, suppose 10 (Ex 20, 30 any amount) then press OK.
6. Then you will see a reply msg like this
- [ You will be charged Rs 13 (Inclusive service fee of Rs 3). Please reply with the Tata Docom GSM prepaid Number you wish to share talktime ]
7. Now enter the DOCOMO NUMBER to which you want to send talktime (Ex: 9040321459), then press OK.
8. After a few second your friend will get your gifted talktime.
Example :
Suppose we want to transfer Rs 10 to a tata docomo number 9040321459. here are the simple steps.
- *363# CALL
- REPLY, 1, OK
- REPLY, 10, OK
- REPLY, 9040321459, OK
Tags : balance transfer in tata docomo mobile, gift balance from docomo to docomo, recharge another number tata docomo number from your docomo balance. balance transfer process in docomo network.
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